The Role of University in Achieving Human Development According With the Requirements of the Labor Market for the Period (2004-2013)


  • Nadia M. Abdulkader



University, Human Development, Labor Market


The last quarter of the twentieth century witnessed a fundamental shift in the vision of institutions of higher education (university) and direction of education and research in response to the changes and the many developments such as globalization and the explosion of knowledge, information and high technology. Universities are becoming a way for the progress of societies and the standard for nations promot as academic centers producing knowledge and on help exploiting scientific energies and technology available to serve the community. During the recent three decades, young people in Iraq were excluded from education and the labor market because of their poverty and isolation from the mainstream of development and deprived wholly or partly, from their rights. Although education in Iraq is free from kindergarten to university, but most families want to get a better level and quality of education for their children. This interest commensurates with the improvement of living standards, hence the in education, health and standard of living level, which is the engine of human development. The research has focused on the provisions of the link between higher education and economic and social development plans, plans through its contribution in the formation of capital, knowledge and human resources development, adapted to the requirements of development and the needs of the labor market and the number of qualifying in various scientific and professional disciplines to the community of human resources, and provide the community eligible frameworks highly qualified to lead carry out the responsibility for development The first section dealt with the conceptual framework of the university and human development by identifying the university (University of Diyala) where it dealt with a historical background about it and the university concept and the concept of human development and its most important indicators and tackling the most important challenges facing education. , While the third topic focused on the development of a vision for the future of the compatibility between education and the requirements of the labor market in Iraq.


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How to Cite

The Role of University in Achieving Human Development According With the Requirements of the Labor Market for the Period (2004-2013). (2021). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 42(1), 136-159.