On Additive Mapping with Period 3 on Rings and Near-Rings


  • Shaima'a B. Yass




prime ring, derivation, right generalized derivation, prime near-ring, semiprime near-ring, mapping of period 2, homomorphisms, anti –homomorphisms


In this research we introduced the definition of a map with period 3 on a ring Ɍ and on right ( left ) ideal Ῑ of Ɍ, then we prove that, when Ɍ is a prime ring with char (Ɍ)  2, and Ῑ  0, Ῑ is right ideal on Ɍ, if đ is a derivation with period 3 in Ɍ,then either đ=0, or u2=0 uῙ. Also we proved, when Ɍ is a domain with 1, and char (Ɍ)  6, If δ is a right generalized derivation on Ɍ with period 3, then δ is the identity map. Lastly, we define a map with Period 3 on near-rings, and gived results for prime left near-rings with maps acts as an anti-homomorphism (or homomorphism), with period 3, to obtain commuatative rings.


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How to Cite

On Additive Mapping with Period 3 on Rings and Near-Rings. (2021). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 42(1), 259-273. https://doi.org/10.55562/jrucs.v42i1.168