Studying the Effect of Changing One of the Climatic Phenomena on Human Life and Reducing its Risks with A Statistical Eye


  • Marwa K. Ibrahim
  • Qutaiba N. Nayef Al-Qazaz



Rainfall, temperature, humidity, chart of prediction amounts of rainfall, stratified quantile regression, quantile function, B-spline, varying coefficient model, depth model, Ivanov equation


Due to the climatic changes that directly affected the nature of life on the globe, so most recent statistical studies tended to study these changes, which would provide climate scientists and researchers with information as they answer many complex inquiries related to climate forecasts, and also help them to find solutions to problems Which are caused by these changes and reduce their risks, either by avoiding them or reducing those risks, in addition to the important role of these studies in developing future plans that would protect humanity from the consequences of climate changes, which affected various areas of life, including agriculture, industry, etc. And because the statistical parametric methods need conditions and criterions that may be difficult to meet, so the direction in this research was towards the use of non-parametric methods, in particular (spline) in order to study one of the phenomena of climate change because it is characterized by flexibility and the possibility of its application at various sides of life.


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How to Cite

Studying the Effect of Changing One of the Climatic Phenomena on Human Life and Reducing its Risks with A Statistical Eye. (2024). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 54(1), 356-363.