[0,1] Truncated Exponentiated Exponential Inverse Weibull Distribution with Applications of Carbon Fiber and COVID-19 Data


  • Alaa A. Khalaf
  • Khansaa A. Yusur
  • Mundher A. Khaleel




[0,1]Truncated, Moments, Inverse Weibull distribution, Order Statistics, Estimation.


In the recent years the modeling of lifetime data is an essential research topic. Several research studies on this subject have appeared, aiming to introduce new statistical methodologies for dealing with lifetime phenomena. In this paper, we extension Inverse Weibull distribution by using the family [0,1] Truncated Exponentiated Exponential-G family. We get [0,1] Truncated Exponentiated Exponential Inverse Weibull distribution ([0,1]TEEIW). We provide explicit expressions for its properties like: hazard function, quantile function, moments, moment generating function, reliability function, and Order statistics. Three data sets are used to provide the flexibility of new distribution, which represents 63 observations and is about the strength of carbon fibers. And two a COVID-19 mortality rates data set from Italy and Canada. Evidence of this distribution to outperform other classes of lifetime models has been noticed.


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How to Cite

[0,1] Truncated Exponentiated Exponential Inverse Weibull Distribution with Applications of Carbon Fiber and COVID-19 Data. (2024). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 54(1), 387-399. https://doi.org/10.55562/jrucs.v54i1.608