Various Control Charts to Monitor the Quality of Resistant Cement Production in the Kabaisa Cement Factory for the Year 2023
Control charts, Individual-Moving Range, GMA, Kubaisa Cement Factory.Abstract
Control charts are an effective tool for statistical control of production quality processes by drawing samples from the production randomly and at specific time periods. In this research, different control charts were used for the purpose of monitoring the quality of resistant cement production in the Kubaisa Cement Factory, which is located in Al - Anbar Governorate. The weights of bags of cement (resistant cement) (which are measured in kilograms) were monitored using a new packing device, and after monitoring production for a period of (50) days in the months of November and December for a sample size of (5) units per day. The data was recorded on a regular and continuous period, , and the quality of production was examined by applying deferent statistical control charts . these charts are the arithmetic mean chart, the range chart, the standard deviation chart, the moving average chart, the Geometric Moving Average(GMA) chart . and Individual-Moving Range chart .The charts were applied using the statistical program (Minitab), and the results showed that the most of the charts were in control, with some notes.