Legal Protection of the Administrative Authority to Punish Forgers of Educational Certificates Comparative Study


  • Hatem Fares AL-Taan



Rigging of Educational Certificates, Legal Protection, Administrative Legislation, Criminal Legislation


In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the proliferation of the falsification of academic certificates in some countries, such as Iraq. The act itself is a crime punished by the law, as it is considered to adulterate the truth, the acquirement of an academic title with the only intention of defrauding and cheating with an official certificate (the title). This practice has become a social phenomenon that preoccupies several sectors of the law; The experts in administrative law are immersed in finding ways of discouragement in order to reduce this type of crimes. In addition, experts in criminal law propose the search for severe sanctions for this phenomenon. On the other hand the sociologists are immersed in the search of the psychological reasons that lead to commit this type of acts. Counterfeiting is a crime that seriously violates the authority of the state and its material interests and consequently damages the interests of individuals and the confidence of the people in its administration and is one of the manifestations of financial and administrative corruption. Diagnosing only the phenomenon of the problem without applying a legal deterrent has become a mockery and has given rise to expressions of revulsion. For all this, it is expected that administrative and penal legislation will take action in this matter. This study focuses on highlighting the laws on this subject in particular from some Arab countries, including Iraq, to analyze them extensively and compare them for the purpose of developing a treatment plan and seek solutions to these illegal practices. The results and conclusions of the study will be presented.


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How to Cite

Legal Protection of the Administrative Authority to Punish Forgers of Educational Certificates Comparative Study. (2021). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 42(1), 52-69.