Estimating the Amount of Defective Vaccines and their Impact on the Environment Using A System of Simultaneous Equation


  • Eman M. Abdullah
  • Nada H. Wadi



Simultaneous equations system environmental pollution three-stage least squares quantity of vaccines.


Vaccines are essential because they keep kids healthy by preventing potentially fatal diseases. Through the routine vaccination schedules developed by the World Health Organization, 10 vaccines form the backbone of each program and reinforce these vaccination schedules. Comprehensive vaccinations protect health by preventing diseases including measles, whooping cough, TB, diphtheria, polio, and several other diseases that impact kids everywhere. Despite the countless advantages of vaccinations, there are many harms, such as environmental pollution and the burning of damaged vaccinations. Our research aims to quantify the amount of damaged vaccinations. The ten-year curse covers the number of children who have received vaccinations and those who have not, the number of vaccines distributed each year, the ages and weights of the children, the quantity of vaccines burned each year, certain diseases that affect children, and the damaged vaccines due to expired or wasted preservation. The most significant conclusions indicated that rising vaccination rates correspond with rising pollution levels. As hospitals are compelled to supply more vaccines, the annual quantity of vaccines rises yearly due to an increase in vaccine burning. The Infection of children with diseases such as measles and whooping cough is often due to a lack of vaccination. Children with the vaccinations assigned to them. The survival of children within the normal weight range and appropriate ages for the vaccine leads to the possibility of vaccinating them, thus increasing the number of vaccinations required. To represent and analyze the problem of environmental pollution and its relationship to burning vaccinations, use the system of simultaneous equations. The variables affect and are affected by each other, which eliminates reality because there is no direction. alone for the relationship of causation between the dependent variables and the group of independent variables. Most of the results of the estimation using the three-stage least squares method were satisfactory for all models employed in the study, as most of the parameter values agree with reality.


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How to Cite

Estimating the Amount of Defective Vaccines and their Impact on the Environment Using A System of Simultaneous Equation. (2024). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 54(1), 292-302.