Role Of Johary Window in Self-Management - An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Professors of Private Colleges


  • Jwan Hussein Ameen Al-Mandalawi
  • Lamyaa Salman Ali Abd Al-Zubaidi



self-management, Johari window


The topic of Johari’s Window is considered one of the critical issues, especially if it is linked to self-management. It was important to research the patterns of Johari’s window and its relationship to self-management, especially in teaching staff of private colleges.One of the most important hypotheses from which the research was launched is that the Johari Window has a significant influence on self-management. The research society included Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Department of Private University Education, while the study sample was represented by (university professors) as an intentional sample, and comprehensive inventory. The researchers distributed (232) questionnaires to represent the study sample, then data was collected from (205) respondents from the research community. By adopting the questionnaire that included (92) items, and providing them with personal interviews and field observations as tools to help in strengthening them. The research was based on programs (Amos V.23, SPSS V.23) with descriptive statistical methods to test hypotheses. Proceeding from the importance of the subject of the study to the community, the research organizations and their members, the analytical and analytical method has been adopted in carrying out this study. As for the most prominent results of the study, it was represented by the presence of a clear impact of the Johari Window on self-management directly and at the level of sub-and overall dimensions.


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How to Cite

Role Of Johary Window in Self-Management - An Exploratory Study of the Opinions of a Sample of Professors of Private Colleges. (2021). Journal of Al-Rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print ISSN: 1681-6870 ,Online ISSN: 2790-2293 ), 49(2), 18-32.